متوسط السعرات المحروقة
400 سعرة

The activities are build around the 7 primal movements (Squat, Lunge, Push, Pull, Bend, Twist, Gait) and will help improve the 3 main pilars of your child's physical fitness: strength, endurance and flexibility.

The groups are capped at 12 kids per session to ensure our coaches can maintain a safe environment for your child to be active.

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أطلق العنان لبطلك الداخلي ، وقم بتقوية قلبك ، وخذ لياقتك إلى مستوى جديد تمامًا. تجربة مغامرات مختلفة مع حصصنا المتنوعة.

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